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Englishman Pete Kenna has worked for decades as a pattern maker for various manufacturers of handbuilt white metal models, including Brooklin, Somerville, Western Models, SMTS, Pathfinder Models, Conquest Models, Crossway Models, Motor City USA, and many more. In the late 1980s, he introduced Kenna Models, his own range of detailed 1/43rd scale white metal models, concentrating on classic British cars built between 1930 and 1960. In addition to saloon and sports cars, Kenna also released models of the early postwar Austin pedal cars for children - the Joy 1 prototype and the J40 and Pathfinder production types. They come in various colours, and since they are in exact 1/43rd scale, they only measure 35 mm.
- Model manufacturer: Kenna Models
Austin J40
pedal car, red; United Kingdom 1949
Kenna Models (United Kingdom), no. KM22
white metal, scale 1:43; acquired 2012
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pedal car, red; United Kingdom 1949
Kenna Models (United Kingdom), no. KM22
white metal, scale 1:43; acquired 2012
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Standard Vanguard Estate
"Beers Diesel Service"; United Kingdom 1950
Kenna Models (United Kingdom), no. KM21
white metal, scale 1:43; acquired 2017
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"Beers Diesel Service"; United Kingdom 1950
Kenna Models (United Kingdom), no. KM21
white metal, scale 1:43; acquired 2017
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